Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Art of Paw-Fu

Fanks to everycat who wrote in to let my mommy know dat I'm not fat! You are all so nice! Now, here's something about another kitty who's fluffy and definitely NOT fat. :)

Macy likes to keep it secret dat she's a master of the ancient art of Paw-Fu. The Paw-Fu fighting stance requires you to lie on your back so that all four sharp-clawed paws are kept up and in the air at all times.

When anyone tries to touch the belleh, you must wave all four paws at them as wildly as possible and scratch anything you can!

As you can see in this photo, Mommy is very dangerously tempting Macy with a pen. Macy moves into a Paw-Fu stance instantly.

You can see dat Macy moves so fast, her photo is blurry!

In this photo, Macy has just knocked the pen into the next room, fanks to her Paw-Fu prowess. If the pen had been a squirrel or a Kilroy, that move would have been much more deadly.


zevo hussein calamari said...

Way too cute! Love it. thanks
have a great weekend and you are welcome to join our Bite & Run brigade!

Quasi said...

Paw fu is a great name! I usually call it the four-legged defense, and it's unbeatable. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting about the animals in China. At one point, Steve and his female were thinking about visiting China. But not anymore! Thanks for the links.

Daisy said...

Whoa! I can see that Macy is a Paw-Fu master!

MaoMao said...

Oh wowie kazowie, Macy is an eckspurt at Paw Fu! And those pickshures of her layin there in her fightin stance maded Momma say SQUEE!!!! She's got such a cute belleh!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely, floofy girl Macy is! I am impressed by her Paw Fu skills.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Samantha & Mom said...

Maybe Macy can give some Paw-Fu lessons!! Mom loves kitty bellies!
Cute pictures!
Your FL furiends,

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Thanks for visiting me! Do come again!

Macy is obviously a master of Paw-Fu. I practice it a lot too. Maybe we can excahange vital techniques.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Wow, PAW FU! Macy is a Grand Master! We practice Paw Fu, but we aren't quite as quick as Macy. Must practice more.....

Mommy says that she would try and kiss that tummy, Paw Fu are not. It would be worth it. What a fabulous floofy tummy!

Parker said...

Macy, you really have this Paw Fu down to a fine art. I am very impressed!

Tara said...

I can see how tempting that belly would be, Mom just squeaked! But Paw-fu is a great comeback!


Sassy Kat said...

Saw that you stopped over to my place so I wanted to come over and see where you live. You sure have cute photos on your post today. Such a cutie kitty. It is nice getting to know you and I hope we will get to know each other better.

Mickey's Musings said...

HI Macy,I'm Mockey.I saw your comment ot Zevo's blog so I came over to say HI!!
I am amazed at your Paw Fu prowess too :) Wowzers!!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Gattina said...

I would never DARE to say that Marcy is fat, lol ! Look in the past, fat women were fashion ! Paw fu is great, my cats are experts in that too, they don't like to be touched at their bellies !

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh yes! She is a Master of Paw fu. My belly is off limits as well but I'll have to work on my pen whapping skills. Does Macy have any tips for improving my Paw fu?

Sweets the Cat said...

The art of Paw Fu, eh? You must teach me this art! I have not mastered this, as I usually just chomp. Kudos for excellence!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Great Paw-Fu action!

The Crew said...

Excellent paw/eye coordination, Macy!

However, next time instead of concentrating on the pen, try attacking the HAND to put a stop to this harassment. Put the bitey on it!


Chrissie said...

I am really glad, Macy, that that pen was NOT a Kilroy! I think I like your Paw-fu..I'll need to take instruction from you and defend mah belleh!

Ellen Whyte said...

Great pics. And what a prosperous looking fuzzy tummy :-)

The Furry Bambinos said...

Hi Efurryone! Those Paw-Fu photos are great! We'll have to try out that technique sometime!

Thanks for the kind birthday wishes for Panda Bear and Meerkat's 1st birthday! It has been great to meet you! We have added your blog to our blogroll thingy!

Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

We had to come back and let Mommy see your "belleh" again!!! She is addicted!!! We let Mommy up from bed rest for a little while so that we could visit our friends!

Anonymous said...

Yikes, we won't mess with that Paw Fu Master. Mom, being the Mom that she is, still want to rub that floofy belly!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Ooooh, we love Macy's Paw-Fu pose and moves.

Rusty says he is going to have to take that up since Jan has been driving him to whapping her. She keeps running a rake through his thick coat to pull out loose hair. Granted, it's shedding season, so there is lots of loose hair. But, enough is enough1

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Those are some excellent Paw-Fu moves, and a very pretty foofy tummy!

~ Noah

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are definitely a master of this art! Good job cutie.